In February 2015, employees of the Institute for Financial Research and Analyses UITM have developed an expertise in Rzeszów, for the opening balance of municipality of Mielec and its organizational units. The study included an analysis of the organization of the Municipal Office in Mielec and organizational units of the Municipality of Mielec.  Distribution of tasks between office and organizational unit of the city was assessed. The areas of competences were assigned to individual posts overlapping tasks and demonstrating them without explicitly, as well  assigned to an appropriate cell or an organizational unit  of office in the Municipality of Mielec. Furthermore  employment policies and the condition of organizational units, including municipal companies were placed under evaluation. Another part of the study was an analysis of financial condition of the city.  During the analysis of financial situation of Mielecm the study included analysis of revenues, expenditures, debts, tax base and city’s ability to provide funds for investment.

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